Learning to learn, learning workshop, key skills for studies, workshops
Orientation interview

If you discover that your studies do not meet your expectations, or if you had other expectations of your studies, there is the possibility of an orientation interview. Working together, we analyse your current situation and weigh up the possible options so that you can make informed decisions. We then plan your next steps together.
Entry Phase
30167 Hannover
Planning your learning
Independent learning
At a German university, students are largely responsible for organising their own studies. They choose which courses they want to attend, they organise their own timetables and examinations, and they have to organise their own internships and dissertations. If you have difficulties, get help - from the entry phase coordinator - for example.
In contrast to school and many universities abroad, you will not get any homework at a German university. However, if you do not work independently to deepen your understanding of the things you learn in the courses, you may not be able to understand anything after a few weeks. This is why our professors recommend that you review the contents of the lectures and exercises afterwards so that you understand what has been done and why.
Learning repository
The learning repository is a platform for foundation knowledge at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Learning and teaching are supported by providing you with summarised scientific content and online materials for reading, together with further references to online learning materials.
The learning repository is not a substitute for attending lectures, seminars and exercises. Its primary purpose is rather to enable students to quickly find material on specific topics which need to be revised for an examination or subsequent course.
Learning with others or alone?
You may prefer to learn alone or together with other students in a group. Either way, you need to set specific times and find a place where you can concentrate well. Popular places for learning are the library and the area under the atrium (Lichthof) in the Main Building. Many students also learn at home or meet with a member of their learning group. There are also different preferences about the best time of day for learning; find out what works best for you and try to learn at these times.
Learning groups

Learning together has certain advantages: you stick to the task at hand and get distracted less. It is often easier to learn something by talking to others than by reading a book alone. And you can ask questions of others if you don't understand something. You also memorise things better if you take the time to explain them to others.
If you have never learned in a group before, you should definitely try it. You could ask some of your fellow students if they would like to study together with you for a particular examination. If you don't know anyone who is preparing for the same examination as you, you can search for like-minded people in Stud.IP (using the so-called Schwarzes Brett). The student working rooms are also a good place to learn together with others.
Working rooms

The LernLOUNGE is a current project of the Dean of Studies and is designed for all degree programmes at the faculty. At regular times, student tutors are available to help with subject-specific questions together with questions about self-organised learning.
If you have questions, you can contact the tutors directly. They will then support you, for example, when working on exercises and preparing for examinations.
The LernLOUNGE INF takes place in the working room infoLOUNGE (F111, Welfengarten 1/main building of LUH) and and offers the following subject specialties:
- Programming
- Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
- Introduction to Digital Systems
- Real Analysis A
- Lineare Algebra
Foreign language german
The study of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science takes place almost exclusively in German. If you come from abroad and would like to study in Hannover, consider carefully whether your German language skills are sufficiently advanced. To successfully complete your studies, you should be able to understand the spoken and written language well, and also speak fluently. For matriculation, language level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required (certified by a recognised test, e.g., DSH 2, TestDaF 4*4, or Telc C1 University).
With a certificate at language level C1, you will be able to begin your studies. However, to successfully complete them, it is particularly important that you continue to work on your German language skills during your studies.
You should make use of the language courses at the Leibniz Language Centre (LLC) to improve your German skills. The LLC offers not only traditional language courses at recognised language levels, but also courses specially focused on grammar, pronunciation, oral communication, listening comprehension and reading comprehension, etc. In addition, the LLC offers advisory sessions to help you choose the right course. The LLC also has its International Writing Team (Team interWRITE), which can assist you in writing texts in a foreign language.
You may also be interested in courses from the Centre for Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Learning (ZQS), which offers rhetoric workshops and presentation training.
Before taking an examination, check Stud.IP to find out whether you have to take an oral or written examination and how long the examination will last. In Stud.IP, you can also check how the examinations of previous semesters were structured, which types of questions are included and which knowledge is frequently tested. You can also ask students from higher semesters about the examination. Or you can visit one of the working rooms, where you will find reports from other students who have already passed the examination.
The staff of the university and the lecturers are just as pleased as you are to be addressed politely. You should start an e-mail, for example, with "Dear Prof. Schmidt". However, if someone replies to your e-mail with "Hi Mr. Meier" or "Hello Ms. Meier", you can write back in the same way.
If you are not sure how to formulate your address, the general rule is: better too formal than too informal.
If you are unable to come to a course with compulsory attendance, please inform the lecturer or supervisor beforehand. If he or she can understand that you are not attending for an important reason (e.g., illness or an urgent appointment), he or she will seek to find a solution for you.