Module handbook and course catalogue
Here you can find the corresponding timetable for your semester
Winter semester 2024-25
Information about coursework and examinations
Can examinations and coursework from another degree programme be recognised?
Successfully completed examinations and coursework can be recognised. There must be no fundamental differences in comparison to the components required in this degree programme. If you want to have your examinations or coursework recognised, you must apply for this before your first examination registration. The exact instructions and required documents can be found on the website of the Examination Board for Computer Science.
Please submit the documents to your contact at the Examination Office, Ms. Kohlmetz. The Examination Board will then decide on your application; the module description forms an important basis for the decision.
Are you moving between the Computer Science and Computer Engineering degree programmes at LUH?
When moving between the Computer Science and Computer Engineering degree programmes in-house, you do not need to submit an application to the Examination Board. It is sufficient if you send a short email to the examination office clerk of your new degree programme to inform them that you have changed degree programmes and would like to have previous achievements credited. The examination office clerks are Ms Kohlmetz ( for Computer Science and Ms Schollbach ( for Computer Engineering.
Components that were completed outside a degree programme can be credited with a maximum of 50% of the required credit points.
What is the module handbook and why do I need it?
The module handbook lists the modules and lectures which you can attend according to the examination regulations of your degree programme. By clicking on your degree programme, you can search the database directly. For each degree programme, you will find different PDF editions of the module handbook database. Twice a year, the module handbook for the upcoming semester are checked by the Committee on Teaching and the Curriculum to ensure that they enable you to study properly. All courses listed in the module handbook should also be found in both the LUH course catalogue and Stud.IP.
How do I register for an exam?
Each semester, you must register for all examinations and coursework online with the Examination Office, during the corresponding registration period. After the registration period ends, it is no longer possible to register.
Exceptions exist among the minor subjects: online registration is not available for some examinations in the minor subjects. You must register for these directly at the Examination Office, but still during the official registration period.
Studium Generale exception: there have been some changes since WS 2019-20. Only the courses listed in the module catalogue under "Studium Generale" must be registered during the examination registration period. All other courses need not! The certificate (called a "Schein" in German) bearing the result must be submitted to the Examination Office at the end of the semester. Completed courses will only be recorded as coursework (ungraded), not as examinations.
How can I have my coursework and examinations certified?
As a rule, the results of completed examinations and coursework are entered directly into your online examination account by the lecturer. In individual cases, this is not possible, e.g., in the case of freely selectable, cross-degree-programme examinations or coursework. In this case, please ask the examiner/lecturer to issue a certificate (called a "Schein" in German) bearing the result. You should then submit this certificate to the Examination Office.
Which courses can I attend in Studium Generale and how are my credit points certified?
In Studium Generale, courses can be selected from the courses offered by all faculties of Leibniz University, the Leibniz Language Centre (LLC) and the ZQS/Key Competencies. To obtain the credit points, the courses have to end with an examination or provide a certificate of achievement. In all cases, please contact the examiner of the course and clarify whether she/he will allow you to take the examination. Courses for which attendance alone is certified cannot be credited. Only courses that are explicitly assigned to the competence area “Studium Generale“ in the module handbook may be selected from the courses offered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. For courses listed in the module handbook Computer Science / Computer Engineering, you must register online during the examination registration period. Courses from other providers (other faculties, LLC, ZQS) do not require registration. In this case, please ask the examiner / lecturer to issue a certificate (called a "Schein" in German) for the result of the completed course. Finally, you must submit this certificate to the Examination Office. For language courses at the Leibniz Language Centre, the Examination Board has decided: "For language courses in Studium Generale, 1 LP per 1 SWS is credited. German for native speakers and other languages that are the language of education in the country of origin are not credited and can only be assessed as an additional achievement. Students whose native language is not German can take German courses from B2/C1 upwards." Certified body work at LUH can be credited.
Do I have to complete an internship as part of my studies?
The bachelor's degree programme in Computer Engineering does not include an internship, but an internship is possible in the master’s degree programme.
How do I register for my bachelor’s degree thesis?
Step 1: Print out the form "Application for Admission to the Bachelor’s Degree Thesis" and fill in the first paragraph.
Step 2: Get the first page filled out by the Examination Office. Please note that the supervisor may only issue the topic after this step has been completed!
Step 3: Now fill out the second page together with your supervisor or examiner in the subject area of your choice. As a rule, the supervising section will then return the form to the Examination Office.
Which Examination Board is responsible for me?
The Computer Science Examination Board is responsible for the degree programme Computer Science. The Examination Board ensures that students are offered proper examinations each semester. It also decides extraordinary questions concerning the examinations. The chairman of the Examination Board is Prof. Rohs. The subject contact for Computer Engineering in the Examination Board is Prof. Peissig. Please submit applications to the Examination Board only to Ms Marie Schollbach at the Examination Office. You will find further information on the website of the Examination Committee (only in German).
Regulations for your degree programme
Your contacts

30167 Hannover

Computer Engineering
30167 Hannover

Computer Engineering
30167 Hannover