Overview of your studies
Module handbook and course catalogue
Module handbooks from previous semesters
If you need module handbooks from previous semesters, please contact the programme coordinator.
The bachelor's degree programme Power Engineering can only be started in the winter semester. Here you can find the appropriate timetable for your semester.
Summer semester 2024
Information about coursework and examinations
Can examinations and coursework from another degree programme be recognised?
Successfully completed examinations and coursework can be recognised under certain conditions. At the beginning of the degree programme, the correct application should be submitted to the Examination Board for Electrical Engineering. Further information can be found in the Examination Regulations under § 10.
How do I register for an exam?
Each semester, you must register online for examinations and coursework with the Examination Office, during the corresponding registration period.
How can I have my coursework and examinations certified?
As a rule, the results of completed examinations and coursework are entered directly into your online examination account by the lecturer. In individual cases, this is not possible, e.g., in the case of freely selectable, cross-degree-programme examinations or coursework. In this case, please ask the examiner/lecturer to issue a certificate (called a "Schein" in German) bearing the result. You should then submit this certificate to the Examination Office.
What is the purpose of the pre-study internship and what do I have to consider?
The internship serves as preparation for your studies. With a look "behind the scenes", some things can be understood better in your studies and more easily mastered in professional life. The pre-study internship must be completed by the end of the bachelor's degree at the latest. It takes 8 weeks. Experience shows that you need one month in the workshop to get to know the processes, and then another month to understand industrial production. It is possible to complete the internship in parts.
For some trades which were learned before the start of study, it may be possible to waive the pre-study internship on request. Furthermore, graduates of technical high schools may be able to get a few weeks recognised. Other previous technical experience can sometimes be recognised for credit. Please contact the Internship Office in individual cases. Also, if you need assistance in choosing a suitable company, you are welcome to contact the Internship Office. After completion of the internship, a final report must be written. Details can be found in the Internship Regulations.
Which courses can I attend in Studium Generale and how are my credit points certified?
To further deepen and supplement the subject-specific and interdisciplinary knowledge, courses are taken in the competence field "Additional and Key Competences" within the framework of the Studium Generale. The subjects are recognised with the credit points of the offering institution. The content of the competence field is divided into a subject-related and a free Studium Generale. A selection list with the allocation of the courses to the subject-related and free Studium Generale results from the information in the faculty-internal module catalogue (Modkat). Further information can be found on the pages of the Examination Board.
How do I register for my bachelor’s degree thesis?
At least 120 credit points are required before you can register for the bachelor’s degree thesis. First, please submit the appropriate form to the Examination Office for approval, and then to your first and second examiners for their signatures. Without the approval of the Examination Office, neither a topic can be issued nor the thesis started. After successful registration, the topic can be issued and thus work on the bachelor’s degree thesis can begin. The completed bachelor’s degree thesis must be submitted in paper form and additionally in electronic form within six months of the topic’s issue. The bachelor’s degree thesis should be normally be assessed by both examiners within one month of submission, but at the latest within two months. A declaration must be submitted together with the bachelor's degree thesis. The thesis is submitted directly to the responsible institute.
Which Examination Board is responsible for me?
The Electrical Engineering Examination Board is responsible for the degree programme Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (B.Sc./M.Sc.), Power Engineering (B.Sc./M.Sc.) and Mechatronics (B.Sc.). It monitors the examinations offered and decides extraordinary questions. The head of the Examination Board is Prof. Hofmann. Please always contact the responsible person at the Examination Office first, Ms. Marie Schollbach.
Regulations for your degree programme
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30167 Hannover